At Summer Meeting Arkansas Democrats announce record fundraising totals

The Arkansas Democrats held their Summer Meeting July 29 in West Memphis.


WEST MEMPHIS - The Democratic Party of Arkansas State Committee held their Summer Meeting in West Memphis on Saturday, July 29. In addition to approving the ballot access process for 2024 Democratic candidates, the State Party also announced record fundraising totals and continued growth in their financial assets.

“Government ought to work for the people, all the people, and work to make material improvement in their lives,” said Democratic Party of Arkansas Chair Grant Tennille. “Our ballot access process for 2024 will ensure that Democrats field strong candidates for offices across the state, who are ready to run on a platform to build a safer, fairer, healthier, and brighter Arkansas.”

Adopted Ballot Access Structure 

  • State House - $1,000 ($500 reduction)

  • State Senate - $2,500 ($500 reduction)

  • State Treasurer - $1,250 (for the partial two-year term)

  • US Congress - $2,500 (no reduction)

  • President - $2,500 (no reduction)

  • If you are running for a state legislative seat held by a Republican, under this plan, you have two options to file for the Democratic ticket: 

  1. Pay the filing fee for automatic access to the ballot. 

  2. Collect signatures from registered voters in your district who affirm their support to place your name on the ballot: State House – 150 signatures; State Senate – 400 signatures

  • Incumbents and those running in primaries for legislative districts held by Democrats now are not eligible for the signature waiver. 

At the State Committee meeting, Party leaders and staff explained that their 2024 ballot access process continues their aim of reducing the barriers to run for public office, announcing that filing fees have been reduced by 53% since 2018. They also noted that this process will support the goal of breaking the Republican supermajority in the state legislature. 

"Breaking the supermajority means we can sit down at the table when it comes to the budget and have some influence on what our state government's priorities are," said Director of Strategy Will Watson. "We can hold Governor Sanders accountable if we will simply deliver to our State House of Representatives and State Senate a significant, meaningful minority of Democratic representatives and senators."

Director of Finance Christina Mullinax and Treasurer Goldi Gaines confirmed the continued successful fundraising programs at the State Party. Heart of the Party, its monthly donor program, grew by more than 100 individuals in June, bringing the recurring total to more than $12,000 each month. Additionally, the state Party reported $133,829.91 in net assets, a growth of more than $360,000 in two years. 

Press inquiries and interview requests can be sent to Reed Brewer at [email protected] or by text/call to 501-580-0568.
