Benefit & Auction for Jeff Neel

Press release, Hempstead County Sheriff's Office

The Hempstead County Sheriff's Office, Pafford EMS, County Volunteer Fire Departments, AGF Wildlife Officers, Hope Police Officers, Law Enforcement Officers, Local Churches and friends of AGF Wildlife Officer Jeffery Neel will gather at the Hempstead County Sheriff's Office on Thursday July 8, 2021 to help in a benefit Lunch, Live and Silent Auction to help defray the cost of medical expenses incurred by Jeff's family during his illness and recovery.

Please make plans to attend the benefit lunch which includes barbeque chicken and all the fixings. We will have tables set up in the Sally Port for those who want to come have a sit-down meal. Take outs (Drive Through) and delivery will be available You may pre order for delivery by calling 870-703-6368 or 870-703-9213.

Lunch will be served starting at 11:30 am - 2:00 pm. The live auction will begin at Noon. Don't worry about the heat we will have plenty of fans where you can be somewhat comfortable during the meal and auction. Thanks to the generous local businesses and others who wish to remain anonymous for the donation of auction items. Thanks to Hempstead Volunteer Fire Departments for the dessert items and all other groups who have come together to help with Jeff's benefit.

Jeff has devoted his life to serving his community, and State as a Law Enforcement Officer, first with Hope Police Department and now as a Wildlife Officer for The Game and fish. It is time for us as a community to come together and help Jeff and his family. The most important way to help Jeff and his family is to keep him and his family in our prayers. For those that can't for whatever reason attend the benefit, A love fund has been established at Farmers Bank please help if you can.

So please mark the Date, Thursday July 8, 2021 at 11:30 am for this benefit lunch and auction.
