Wed June 14, 2023

By April Lovette


Blevins School District to hold summer enrichment program; deadline to sign up July 4th

Blevins School District Blevins Summer Enrichment Program Blevins Summer Program
Blevins School District to hold summer enrichment program; deadline to sign up July 4th

Blevins School District Press Release:

The Blevins School District recently received the Nita M Lowery 21st CCLC Grant. This will allow us to have a summer enrichment program starting on July 10th through July 28th. Classes will be Monday- Friday 8am-12pm. The program will provide fun and engaging activities that help remediate and enrich all of our students. They will get to do Arts and Crafts, STEM experiments, Book Clubs and Read ALouds, and Virtual Field Trips. The sign up deadline is July 4th, 2023. You can register your students by clicking HERE. Or visit the Blevins School District Facebook Page.