Wed January 22, 2025

By Press Release

Announcements Agriculture

Hempstead County Master Gardener Spring Seminar Announcement

Hempstead County Master Gardener Spring Semina
Hempstead County Master Gardener Spring Seminar Announcement
The Hempstead County Master Gardeners will host their annual spring seminar on Tuesday, February 25th at Hempstead Hall on the UAHT Hope campus.  Guests may arrive at 5:30 p.m. to shop with vendors and bid on silent auction items.  A light supper will be available, and speakers will begin their presentations at 6:00 p.m. Randy Forst, state Master Gardener program coordinator and consumer horticulture specialist for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture, will speak on incorporating edible plants into the landscape.   Amanda Malcom, owner of Love Creek Nursery in Okolona will talk on native plants for pollinators and how she is incorporating more beneficial plants into her retail business. The cost to attend is $20 for early registrations received through February 21st and $25 after and at the door.  To pre-register, call the Hempstead County Extension office at 870-777-5771 or you may register and pay online at:

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