Wed April 21, 2021

By Shelly B Short


Boozman Calls for Bipartisan Infrastructure Package

Arkansas Politics Politics Senator John Boozman
Boozman Calls for Bipartisan Infrastructure Package
Urges President to Follow Senate Committee’s Example in Developing Infrastructure Policy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) called on President Joe Biden to follow the successful example of the Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee in crafting and passing infrastructure legislation through bipartisanship.

“My advice to President Biden is simple –– the path forward to achieve long-term infrastructure improvement is through bipartisanship,” Boozman said during a speech on the Senate floor. “The Senate EPW Committee has done the work. We have produced countless pieces of bipartisan infrastructure-related legislation, which can and should be the basis for any infrastructure proposal.”

Click here to watch Boozman’s speech in its entirety.

Boozman highlighted the committee’s recent unanimous approval of the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act, legislation to rebuild our nation’s water systems, as an example of bipartisanship.

“A bipartisan infrastructure bill is a way to demonstrate the president’s willingness to work across the aisle,” Boozman said.

Boozman has rejected the administration’s so-called “infrastructure” proposal because it lacks emphasis on infrastructure, advances partisan priorities and raises taxes.

The senator has a proven record of support for investing in upgrades for our drinking and wastewater systems, ports and waterways, energy grid and rural broadband deployment in addition to repairing and modernizing traditional infrastructure like roads, railways and runways.

Boozman authored a provision in America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 to update our water and wastewater infrastructure in an innovative way that makes improvements affordable for rural communities. He also consistently votes for federal funding to support programs that invest in infrastructure projects.
