Cakes with Cops a Big Hit with the Prescott Community

The PPD family takes a quick pic with Pastor Ivory Curry and Mayor Terry Oliver at the Cakes with Cops pancake breakfast

The Prescott Police Department (PPD) was packed this morning for the pancake breakfast, Cakes with Cops, as happy citizens enjoyed the dining experience, as well as the opportunity to mingle and visit with local law enforcement officers.

PPD officers welcomed members of the community inside the department and cooked a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, and sausage. Sergeant Casey Autry manned the grill, which was donated by Prescott Kiwanis, and by 9am had already cooked approximately 300 pancakes. He said events like this are important for building relationships. "We wanted to reach out to the people in our community to come meet us, have a meal, and get to know us better," Autry said. "Then when we see them around town, hopefully they will want to say hello and want to visit." Autry said he and the whole department look forward to more positive experiences like this with the community.

Officer Zachary Prince served citizens with a smile as they came through the line. "I love events like this," Prince said. "This builds up a good connection with the community." Many other officers could be seen either assisting with the meal, providing tours for those interested, or visiting and laughing with participants of the event.

Six-year-old William Cooper, Jr., was ecstatic about getting to have breakfast with the local law enforcement. In between bites of pancake and sausage, little William was observed hugging police officers and other members of the community. Even this reporter got a big, warm hug! He said he loves to talk to police officers and see their cars. When asked what he thought about getting to have breakfast with policemen, he said, "It was fun!" Five-year-old Madison Horton also said she had a great time this morning. When asked about her favorite part of the event, she quickly said, "The sausage!"

Even more joyful feedback was given by seven-year-old Zavon Green. Zavon was visibly excited to take his turn at an interview and shared his thoughts about Cakes with Cops. He said his favorite part of the morning was getting to see the gym and getting to talk to Officer Prince. "I told him when I grow up I want to be a police officer!" Zavon said. "And he gave me a fist bump!"

If the responses from the children weren't telling enough, just a glance around the room was an adequate illustration of the morning's success. There was no divide between law enforcement personnel and local citizens; all in the room were neighbors and community members enjoying a meal together and passing the time with stories and laughter.

Chief Ann Jordan said she and the entire department were thrilled with the turnout of today's event, especially since this was their first ever Cake with Cops. "Today went very well, and we are so pleased with the show of people," Jordan said. "We want to build a rapport with the community and let them know we are here for them. We want more positive community interaction." Jordan said there are other events planned for this year; plus, after this morning's accomplishment, Cakes with Cops will definitely be back again next year and become an annual event for Prescott.

  • Zavon Green (age 7, bottom left) and Madison Horton (age 5, right) enjoyed Cake with Cops pancake breakfast

  • 6-yr-old William Cooper, Jr., with Chief Ann Jordan

  • Ella-Kate, Dani, and Klaire Thomason, daughters of Officer David Thomason, at the Cakes with Cops pancake breakfast

  • The Prescott PPD family takes a quick pic with Pastor Ivory Curry and Mayor Terry Oliver at the Cakes with Cops pancake breakfast

  • Officer Zachary Prince (left) at the serving line and Sergeant Casey Autry (right) cooking pancakes at the Cake with Cops pancake breakfast

  • Mayor Terry Oliver visiting with community members

  • Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Ben Hale (right) visiting with community members at the Cake with Cops pancake breakfast

  • Officer Tammy Armstrong

  • Officer David Thomason

  • Detective Joey Grayson

  • Sergeant Casey Autry

  • Officer Zachary Prince
