Tue August 27, 2024

By Press Release

Daily Devotionals

Cultural Conversation: Abortion and the Biblical Perspective

Daniel Bramlett 1St Baptist Church Cultural Conversations
Cultural Conversation: Abortion and the Biblical Perspective
Last week we opened the door to begin conversations about vital cultural topics, particularly ones that are hot buttons leading up to the election in November. I did this for a number of reasons. One, I really do want to speak truth that matters to you. That’s why I created an email for you to reach out with topics and questions: Daniel.bramlett@gmail.com . Please don’t hesitate to begin a conversation. Two, we need voices that will wade into the confusion with a biblical mindset and without bias. I promise to work to bring both to the table. Three, the Bible is as relevant today as when it was written. That’s because it’s not just a historical record. The Bible is a living book that comes to life in Jesus! It’s author—the Holy Spirit through the lives of some incredible people—is still speaking today. When we open the Bible, we aren’t just reading dusty, old stories. We are gaining insight for daily living. So, let’s open up some topics for discussion. 

Why abortion? Historically, the topic has been divided into two, clearly defined arenas: Pro-Choice and Pro-Life. Christians have historically been located in both camps, but the Pro-Life group typically tipped the scales. The traditional platform sounded like this. Pro-Choice: “A woman has the right to her body and that gives her the freedom to choose what happens to her.” In this reproductive arena, that meant she had the right to decide who she slept with, i.e. rape is illegal. That also meant she had the right to decide what happens as a result of those encounters (and I don’t mean this in a promiscuous sense at all), i.e. if she becomes pregnant, she can abort the baby with no questions. Pro-Life: “A woman has freedom up until the time she choices to become pregnant. At the point of conception, she has (along with someone else) created a new life. She is the caretaker of that new life. She can choose what happens after birth, whether she keeps the baby or allows he/she to go up for adoption, but she does not have the freedom or right to kill the baby.” 

The foundation of the argument was based on whether life begins at birth or conception, you can guess which side believed what. The Life group argues that women are being selfish, using abortion as birth control. The Choice group argues they are being robbed of a basic freedom by losing rights to their own body, since they didn’t see the fetus as a life. They also argued for abortion as a means to control the hundreds of thousands of unwanted kids in the world. 

I will say the world agrees with the vote for choice. China’s “One-Child Policy” was in effect for 36 years. As a result, thousands of babies were abandoned each year. I have friends in Peru who’ve found babies in trash cans and dumpsters, discarded moments after birth. Hitler used babies like lab rats in experiments. Regardless of the nasty evil of the operation, the widespread existence of child slavery is further proof that the world sees children as less than human. 

The Church, on the other hand, has traditionally been the foundation for the rights of all humans, including the unborn. It’s orphanages that rescue babies from dumpsters, humanitarian aid organizations that rescue children from slavery and it’s largely Christians who run anti-abortion clinics (often just called pregnancy centers) around the country. Why? Because every human is a gift from God, created in His image. A fight for the unborn can be justified on the same grounds of any just war. Those of us in freedom have an obligation to protect those who cannot, for whatever reason, protect themselves. 

But now, the landscape has changed. Dramatically. Roe vs. Wade was reversed two years ago. This has opened a battle ground in the states. Typically blue states have championed women’s rights by funding abortion clinics, making the abortion pill available by mail and passing laws that continue to lengthen the term for mother’s to have abortions. Red states have reversed that trend by passing laws to make abortion illegal, some from conception and others very early on in the pregnancy. 

What is the biblical position? The Bible always values life and neither side would argue against that. The argument appears over when life begins. The Bible talks often about babies and fairly regularly about babies in the womb, going so far as to say that “God knew me at the moment of conception.” (Psalm 139.13 and Jeremiah 1.5 are good examples.) The Bible also talks about the emotional health of the mother. Any pregnancy loss is a blow to the mom, abortion included. Every woman feels a bond to the baby in her womb. The Bible talks about the responsibilities of the man. Believe it or not, this must be a part of the conversation. A woman cannot get pregnant by herself. Often abortion enters the conversation because the male is pressuring for lessened responsibility. This is entirely against the biblical design for the man. In the discussion, there is also a clear invitation or encouragement from God for the man and woman who’ve been united in marriage to have children. Abortion works against this invitation. In short, the biblical position does not support abortion. 

You might have guessed, I am not in favor of abortion in any form. But that’s not because of a political platform. Red states are going to have to figure out how to care for the uptick in kids they see. This will mean more foster open homes, more adoptions, more childcare in general. But that’s a good thing!  I am convinced God forms us and loves us in the womb. I am working to do the same…at least the loving part.
