Thu January 27, 2022

By Drew Gladden


Hempstead County Farm Bureau Announces Construction

Hempstead County Farm Bureau Announces Construction

HOPE, AR -  In 1935, a small group of farmers met in Little Rock to form Arkansas Farm Bureau. In that same year, a “hand full” of farmers from Hempstead County joined and formed the HEMPSTEAD COUNTY FARM BUREAU. The next year, 1936, the first district meeting was held in Hope, as well as the first formal organized membership drive.   As we enter 2022, we are excited to officially announce the construction of the new Hempstead County Farm Bureau! This vision was initiated over three years ago by our Board of Directors and agency staff. The new office will be located at 110 N Hervey and will have many convenient features for our members. The new office will have a drive thru window, larger foyer, coffee bar/member appreciation area and more offices.  It will also boast a larger kitchen, conference room, and covered bay to better accommodate Federation activities and events.  This will be the 5th office location in Hope since the inception in 1935.

Board President Mark Lloyd said, “A lot has changed in Hempstead County Farm Bureau over the past 87 years. However, what has not changed is our total commitment of protecting agriculture and the future of agriculture in our state, fostering our rural “way of life”, and educating our youth about agriculture and the importance of it. Our insurance companies are some of the strongest in the state, and our agency manager, agents and staff are outstanding at serving you!  We are very excited to begin this next chapter of our county organization.”

Agency Manager, Reed Camp, added  “As we enter 2022,  your Hempstead County Farm Bureau is stronger than ever before. I am confident that the Farm Bureau organization will continue to grow and thrive because of our commitment and relationships with those that we serve. We value our members and member families, and we know that our organization would not have the success that we experience if it was not for the exceptional people of Hempstead County! It takes a lot people every day to make our county Farm Bureau successful.  We are very blessed to have so many great people that that are committed to our Board of Directors, Women’s Committee, and Agency staff ”.    

Completion date is scheduled for Fall 2022.
