Hope City Board meets to discuss possible splash pad, financial report, other items

The Hope City Board of Directors in its second July meeting, a relatively busy one, decided several matters.

  • To have City Manager Catherine Cook present research at its first August meeting on costs for the installation of a splash pad. Parks director Summer Powell presented the options available should the city seek a grant to purchase one. For the time being, the directors seemed to prefer locating the splash pad at Northside Park. City Manager Catherine Cook said eventually the conversion of light installations at the Fair Park's fields would need to be addressed, too.

  • To award a concession stand lease at the Soccer Field for the next three years to Kris England of Hope. The original winner of the bidding process for the lease, Lori Morrison, declined to take it up. England’s bid was the second highest.

  • To authorize applications by the City Police Department for grants.

  • To enable an adjustment to plans for the installation of signage at the Pavilion Park.

  • To pass a resolution ensuring a six-month financial report is in the format that is “in accordance with the guidelines established by three bodies that set accounting standards, the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, the American Institute of Certified Accountants and the United States Government Accountability Office.

After hearing a positive assessment of the city’s financial status from Cook, directors asked questions of the city’s Finance Director about particular line items of that report. All of these concerned expenses that the respective directors wanted explained.

During the City Manager’s Report, Catherine Cook reminded the directors and the attendees of July 23 being the city’s cleanup day. It will start at 7 a.m. On that day, the landfill will be open for city residents and businesses to bring their loads of trash. No burning can be done since the declaration of a burn ban.

In the good news category, Cook said preliminary work started Thursday on the Sixth Street project.

She also delivered the news that the Streetscape project had only received one bid, which was for $1,112,392 from Texarkana Concrete, which is about half a million more than was budgeted for the project by the city. Cook said a driver of the high cost was the replacement of 38 light poles. She added that the high bid may necessitate settling for parts of the project being completed and waiting for other parts as grant money may become available but not this year.

During Citizens’ Questions, Marcia White and Marshel Thomas both spoke up in favor of locating the splash pad, should the grant be awarded, at Northside Park. White also mentioned the drainage issues at that park needing addressing. White requested that a $200 cost for use of the pool for Kickball by a community group be waived. (After the meeting, Director Steve Montgomery gave White the money for this cost.) 

The meeting can be viewed below starting with the discussion on the splash pad.

