Fri September 22, 2023

By Press Release


Hope Civitan receives H.O.P.E. Award at Civitan International Convention

Hope Civitan Eva Morehead H.o.p.e. Award
Hope Civitan receives H.O.P.E. Award at Civitan International Convention
The Hope Civitan Club was presented the prestigious H.O.P.E. Award during the Civitan International 2023 Convention held in Indianapolis, IN, in late August.  The H.O.P.E. Award, "Helping Other People Experience," is given to only one United States club yearly. 
     Civitan Eva Morehead (pictured left) is shown accepting the award in Indianapolis for efforts by her club during the 2021-2022 year.
     The H.O.P.E. Award is given to the c
lub that makes the best use of funds -- collected through locally-placed coin boxes -- to benefit individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  Eva has served as chairperson of the club's coin box project for several years and also previously served as the  Heartland District coin box chair.      Funds from the coin boxes are split between the local club and Civitan International's Research Center in Birmingham, AL.  The club used its half of the funds to provide residents in Rainbow of Challenges group homes with a hot dog dinner on St. Patrick's Day and to sponsor an athlete to go to Special Olympics state competition.      The other half of the funds were donated to the Civitan International Research Center, which has a mission to improve the well-being and the quality of life of individuals and families affected by intellectual and developmental disabilities.      The Hope Civitan Club has a number of coin boxes positioned near the cash registers of various participating businesses. Small change can make a big difference and is greatly appreciated by the Hope Civitan Club.      