Thu August 08, 2024

By April Lovette


Hope Kiwanis hosts Pulled Pork Dinner Fundraiser at Watermelon Festival

Hope Kiwanis Watermelon Festival Charlotte Bradley Jimmy Courntey Peaches Holyfield
Hope Kiwanis hosts Pulled Pork Dinner Fundraiser at Watermelon Festival
Members of Hope Kiwanis continued their tradition of hosting a barbecue fundraiser at the Watermelon Festival, but this year they added a bit of a twist by providing barbecue pulled pork sandwiches instead of the usual barbecue chicken. Kiwanis President Jimmy Courtney and Event Chair Nathaniel "Peaches" Holyfield were busy in the back making the food and dishing up plates, so SWARK.Today visited with Kiwanians Bill Coffee and Charlotte Bradley who were manning the ticket table. 

Bradley, Kiwanis Lt. Governor MO-ARK Distrcit 23, said she and fellow Kiwanians were thrilled to be at the festival for another year. "Every year we've been having a barbecue chicken supper for the Watermelon Festival, this year we did pulled pork sandwiches, with the same trimmings, and we're so glad to be here for another year," Bradley said. "Proceeds of the event go to kids. Our focus is children so we provide schoarhsips, programs, or anything our local kids might need."  

The Kiwanis Dinner lasts until 7 tonight for anyone who still wants to run out tot he park and grab a plate.