Wed August 07, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Hope's National Night Out observance made a dog day evening worthwhile
August 6th is National Night Out and in Hope it was observed with a hot dog and pool party at Fair Park. Representatives from the Hope Police Department, the Hempstead County Sheriff's Office, Pafford Emergency Services and Hope Fire Department were still on the scene into the late evening.

The event drew several dozen youngsters this year according to its organizer Hope Police Officer and Public Schools Resource Officer Justin Dean. He explained the meaning of the day and reported on how popular the day has become since he began setting it up. 

“National Night Out is a nationwide incentive to get community members and law enforcement interacting. I actually enjoy doing the event every year. This is my third year. community outreach. And it was a little slower this year due to heat and so many things going on, but the kids that did show up seemed like they had a good time. Last count, I heard there was 100 kids in the pool at one time. So we still had a decent turnout,” Dean said. 

The preparations for the event start weeks before the August 6th date. “I talked to people months ahead of time, some weeks, some couple days, but pretty much worked all day, getting everything together and getting set up,” Dean said. 

From the Hempstead County Sheriff’s Office Justin Crane was also on hand to talk with youngsters or whoever else came to enjoy an evening that had cooled to the mid-80s by 8:30.  “It's a time for first responders to come together with the community and get to know one another and teach them what each particular agency's role is, as far as your EMS, your fire department, local police departments and build relationships,” Crane said. “We want to teach them to run to the car, not away from it. It’s a time to have fellowship and enjoy food, snacks and whatnot.” 
