Wed May 11, 2022

By April Lovette


Jake Bequette Files Lawsuit Against Secretary of State John Thurston, the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners, and Multiple County Election Officials

Jake Bequette
Jake Bequette Files Lawsuit Against Secretary of State John Thurston, the Arkansas State Board of Election Commissioners, and Multiple County Election Officials

Press Release

Little Rock, AR – Senate candidate Jake Bequette released the following statement after filing a lawsuit against Arkansas election officials for their role in fraudulently misidentifying him on thousands of Arkansas ballots in multiple counties:

“John Boozman and the Arkansas political establishment couldn't beat me with endorsements, they couldn't beat me with millions of dollars in false attack ads, and they wouldn’t even try to beat me on the debate stage, so now they're trying to beat me by stealing this election. Election integrity is a critical issue in our state and our country, and Arkansans deserve a Senator who will bring this issue to the forefront. The people of Arkansas have seen proof over the course of the campaign that, at my core, I am a warrior. I will fight this corruption in court and on the campaign trail, and I think the people of Arkansas will support me in this battle. This fight is only beginning.

Election officials admitted to me that erroneous ballots were already sent out to voters in multiple counties who requested absentee ballots and are voting by mail, and that there is no remedy, so the damage there is already done. This is not just about my campaign and this election – I don’t want this to happen to any candidate in Arkansas ever again. We will get to the bottom of this.”

Despite knowing since at least April 28th that the wrong name would appear on thousands of ballots, Arkansas state election officials refused to correct the ballots, refused to notify the Bequette campaign, refused to notify the media, and refused to notify Arkansas voters at polling locations. Instead, they tried to cover up the election fraud and hoped that no one would notice. It was only after outraged voters notified the Bequette campaign that this fraud was discovered, and it was only after the campaign confronted state election officials that the officials began to try to contain the damage.

Jake Bequette is also calling on Senator Boozman, who claims to care about election integrity, to join him in demanding a full investigation into this admitted election fraud.
To read the full text of the lawsuit, click here
