Mon February 14, 2022

By April Lovette


Jake Bequette Releases Statement on Senator Boozman Trashing a Donald Trump 2024 Presidential Run

Jake Bequette
Jake Bequette Releases Statement on Senator Boozman Trashing a Donald Trump 2024 Presidential Run

Little Rock, AR – A year ago this past weekend, John Boozman sided with the radical Left in saying that Donald Trump likely wouldn’t run in 2024 because his image with the public was too badly damaged, and he speculated that President Trump might even face criminal charges.

In addition to saying that his image had been damaged, Boozman claimed that Donald Trump would need to “repair his financial abilities” and that Trump wouldn’t be able to run because he would have too many lawsuits to fend off. In light of this, Jake Bequette released the following statement:

“You’d be hard-pressed to find a Republican Senator more critical of a potential Donald Trump 2024 Presidential campaign than John Boozman, but that’s not surprising given Boozman’s track record. From bragging about how tough he was on Donald Trump in 2016 to defending Liz Cheney just this past week, John Boozman has spent years working against President Trump as quietly as possible. Arkansas deserves leaders who will boldly support the America First agenda, not career politicians who only stand with Donald Trump when they stand to benefit.” 

To read Boozman’s full statements downplaying a Trump 2024 Presidential run and hinting at support for the lawsuits against the President, click here
