Thu March 26, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Local Business Owner gets Creative in COVID-19 Crisis

Rae Tays Communitystrong Keephopealive
Local Business Owner gets Creative in COVID-19 Crisis

With the impact of protection measures for COVID-19 hitting our community hard, many businesses are closed down, hours shortened and people staying home as much as possible to help flatten the curve, one local business owner is doing her best to keep her clientele not only fashionable, but safe.

Michelle Hunt, owner of Rae-Tays, home of Gypsy Laundry, a trendy downtown boutique is offering free face masks to those in need; healthcare workers, sick children, as well as the elderly in the community. Hunt's daughter, Taylor Jester is creating the masks with unique stylish patterns.

"We saw a need in the community and are doing what we can to help." Hunt said.

Also adding on her Facebook page that these masks will NOT protect you from COVID-19, it is meant to be purely aesthetic over an actual N95 mask but because it is made with cotton, this may prevent you from spreading airborne germs to others. As always, wash your hands and your mask often.

To get your mask visit Rae-Tays in downtown Hope or stop by and shop on their Facebook page HERE
