Thu November 10, 2022

By April Lovette


Nevada County Quorum Court passes annual city mill, hears updates on collection of trash fees

Nevada County Quorum Court Julie Oliver Nc Qc November 2022 Jeremy Jones
Nevada County Quorum Court passes annual city mill, hears updates on collection of trash fees

The Nevada County Quorum Court met for their November meeting last night. With Judge Glass not present, County Clerk Julie Oliver facilitated the proceedings. The full meeting can be watched above, but here are a few highlights.

Court members passed the annual city mills, plus Ordinance number 8 which appropriated funds for the district court clerk's salary for the remainder of the year.

Court members heard updates about the status of collecting the overdue trash fees and were able to ask questions. Since June, $40,000 in overdue trash fees have been collected.

Court members heard an update from the extension office; the quizbowl team will be headed to Louisville, Kentucky next month for a national competition.

Citizen Jeremy Jones asked for a refund of the trash fees he has paid; he says he has not received those services equal to the amount he has paid. The issue was tabled until next month while info is being gathered.

Watch the video above to see the entire meeting for the Nevada County Quorum Court.
