Nevada Quorum Court to work on resolution listing what proposed 3/4-cent tax would fund
In a bid to do everything possible to make sure a proposed 3/4-cent sales tax to fund a number of fixes to county facilities has the chance to pass when it appears on the May 13, 2025 ballot, the Nevada County Quorum Court passed a motion to have a committee of members draft a resolution that explains how the proceeds from the tax will be spent.

A complete video of the meeting can be seen just below this story.

Justice of the Peace Regina Irizarry spoke during the time for new business at Tuesday evening’s Nevada County Quorum Court meeting which convened in the county courthouse at 5:00 p.m.  She began by explaining she had spoken at last month’s meeting about the ballot item explaining the tax lacking specifics about how the tax would be spent and said her constituents were telling her the tax would not pass without these specifics being known.

“And I understand the concern of the court in that if we appropriate it on the ballot, we're stuck with that to where, when we get a new roof, and it's paid for, all the money [is] still going to the new roof, but it's complete. So I've been trying to figure out a different way, or a different approach,” Irizarry said.

Irizarry then made her proposal. “We could develop a capital improvement plan that includes the roof at the courthouse, the HVAC, the stuff we need to do at the landfill to bring it up to compliance, and if we can get a study of the roads, what roads need to be fixed first and to what degree, and put all of that in this plan, then maybe we can do a resolution to commit a certain percentage of the funds that are generated from the three quarter cent sales tax toward the capital improvement plan.”

She added that the resolution could also place the various items funds would be spent on in a prioritized list. “You finish the roof, and then you move something else up on the list, I think we need a plan of action to improve our infrastructure and this would accomplish that,” Irizarry explained. She then made the motion that the court put together a capital improvement plan. JP Herbert Coleman seconded.

JP Tommy Poole asked if a handout provided by Irizarry to each member of county leadership included every item that needed attention.  He was told it was only an example document.

Irizarry said that her example document included all the items that had been discussed in previous meetings but could be added to, but it may make the tax more likely to succeed if people know what it will be spent for rather than just being told the funds are going into the county general fund.  JP Willie Wilson said he liked the idea of the resolution stating the spending items but also providing flexibility. JP Coleman said he was also hearing from constituents that the funds needed to be earmarked to specific projects before they could vote for it.

JP Wilson said, “That’s exactly what I’m hearing. And the idea in fact is that if we don’t do something of this nature, this is not going to pass. I don’t care how we get it out there. But we have to show there is a measurable plan.”

JP Dennis Pruitt suggested that a five-year plan for capital improvement be made.  JP Patricia Grimes asked if the tax has a sunset date, a date when it stops being collected. Several JPs told her it does not.  JP Wilson said the resolution would therefore be needed to include flexibility for the County Judge about what could be done with continuing collections after the immediately needed repairs to the jail and the courthouse and the measures are taken to bring the landfill into compliance are complete.  

County Judge Mike Otwell said if the resolution is written as planned it would simply state what the Quorum Court can already do. “I'm good,” he said, “Because the money can't be spent unless you all spend it.  We know that, but the general public needs to know that's the reason this is good.”

“If we print this up, then you'll be able to show it to the people,” he continued. “That's what I'm saying, that this money is to be allocated to certain things. We’ve got our priorities. So I’m all about this.  Well, let’s vote.”

County Clerk Tammie Rose called for a voice vote. All the JPs voted for. None against.

In other business, the court heard from Mike Boyd, General Counsel of Farmers Bank, that the bank’s offer for interest on the county’s current account there is 3.75 percent, but the account comes with a variety of free features.  Vince Grimes, President of Bank of Delight, offered four percent, but also a portfolio of free services.  The court voted to table the decision on whether to move the county’s funds from Farmers Bank to Bank of Delight to take advantage of the .25 percent higher interest rate.

In the portion of the meeting devoted to questions from the JPs about the financial report, JP Pruitt noted that the amount of taxes coming to the county this month is up from $169,521 to $185,937.

The meeting adjourned at about 5:30 p.m.