Thu May 18, 2023

By April Lovette

Poole visits incoming freshman

Prescott School District Communications

From the desk of Pearl Bailey:

Yesterday, Principal Tommy Poole took time out of his busy schedule to visit Ms. Pearl Bailey’s eighth grade U.S. History classes.  Students in these classes will be in the incoming 2022-2023 freshman class at Prescott High this fall.

Principal Poole discussed with the students his expectations of them and their expectations of  him. He started by sharing a short narrative of his humble beginnings and how he used family, academics, sports, and good citizenship tracts to form goals, short term and long term, for his life. Not growing up with a silver spoon in his mouth taught him at an early age the importance of being self-reliant and the need to learn while in the classroom.  Even though he loved sports and football helped him afford a college education at Ouachita Baptist University, he knew that one day the ball would stop bouncing.  That is where learning in the classroom becomes important: only through education and preparation along with perseverance will prepare for that transition in life.

Principal Poole and the students also discussed school policies and why students’ negative actions are making it necessary to amend current rules because of excessive tardiness, students taking up residence in the restrooms, and the use of e-cigarette. He informed our future freshmen that the next four years are vital for their future, so they need to go to class, participate in class, work on their weaker academic areas, and be good citizens. Principal Poole assured that his doors will be open and his desire is to graduate good citizens who are ready to pursue life’s next step.  He left the students with the following quote, “Be where your feet are”, meaning that if your feet are in the classroom your mind should also be there. The results will be a good education.
