Fri February 02, 2024

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Representative Bruce Westerman Weekly Column For the week of February 2nd

Rep Bruce Westerman American Energy Lng Export
Representative Bruce Westerman Weekly Column For the week of February 2nd
The Continued War on American Energy

Rep. Bruce Westerman (AR-04)

In the latest extremist move in their ongoing attack on American energy, the Biden Administration recently announced a decision to halt all pending approvals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals. This blatant political move to appease radical climate activists is a major loss for the environment, our economy, the geopolitical landscape, and our national security all wrapped up in one bonehead rule.

Continued poor decisions such as this from the Biden Administration make me wonder if they are in a race against themselves to see what they can screw up the most – American energy production or border security. So far, they are tit for tat, with each new day bringing another faulty decision seemingly flowing from a vast reservoir of incompetence.

American natural gas is the cleanest, safest, and most ethically sourced on earth. U.S. gas has done more by far to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than our combined government subsidy programs. Stopping the export of American natural gas is a win for our adversaries, like China and Russia, and delivers a direct blow to our environment, American energy workers, our communities, and our allies overseas. Hardworking Americans are already struggling under the failing policies of this administration, and shortsighted political pandering such as this only punishes them further.

As Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, I’ve worked relentlessly to support American energy dominance focused on reliable, affordable, and clean energy. Through numerous committee hearings, oversight efforts, and historic legislation such as The Lower Energy Costs Act, we have continued advancing solutions to reduce regulatory burdens and delays to support American energy dominance. It’s time for President Biden to stop playing into the hands of our adversaries to appease his radical base and work with congress to enact legislation like the Lower Energy Costs Act to do what is best for America and the world.


Sarah Henderson  | Communications Director
