Thu March 07, 2024

By Press Release

Politics State

Secretary of State Attacks Access to Voter Registration; Joyce Elliott Recruits Democracy Defenders to Fight Back

Arkansas Voting Gla Initiative Voter Access
Secretary of State Attacks Access to Voter Registration;  Joyce Elliott Recruits Democracy Defenders to Fight Back
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Get Loud Arkansas (GLA), an organization founded by former State Senator Joyce Elliott to increase voter registration and civic engagement, is facing unexpected challenges after Secretary of State John Thurston issued contradicting guidance regarding the acceptance of electronic signatures for voter registration applications. This development could impact the accessibility of voter registration in Arkansas.

GLA introduced an online voter registration application in the spring of 2023, designed to make the registration process more modern, efficient, and accessible. The initiative leverages the Uniform Electronic Transaction Act of 2001, which validates electronic records and signatures for transactions, applying this principle to allow Arkansans to fill out and sign their voter registration form electronically. Similarly, electronic signatures are accepted for voter registration at agencies like the Department of Motor Vehicles. Efforts to introduce fully online voter registration during the 2023 legislative session faced opposition in the state legislature. Unlike the online voter registration programs available in 42 states, Washington D.C., and Guam, Arkansas law still requires that registration forms be printed and manually submitted to election officials for approval. 

Despite acceptance by county clerks statewide and increasing popularity of GLA’s online application, on February 28, Arkansas Secretary of State John Thurston issued a letter discouraging the acceptance of electronic signatures, directly contradicting prior advice from his office. While each county clerk will be left to make their own determination, the decree may negatively impact the democratic process by limiting access to voter registration and potentially violating state and federal law. 

“The use of electronic signatures is neither a novelty nor a gimmick. It is the norm on driver’s licenses, voter registration applications signed at the DMV, forms for overseas absentee voting, tax returns, mortgage documents, loan applications, and more. This isn’t just an attack on electronic signatures; it’s an affront to our people and a direct assault on our democracy,” said Joyce Elliott, Executive Director of Get Loud Arkansas, “The time to act is now. We are calling on Secretary of State John Thurston to come out of the dark ages and support secure, convenient access to the ballot.”

With democracy under siege, Get Loud Arkansas is doubling down on its commitment to safeguard the voting rights of every Arkansan. In an immediate response to this crisis, GLA is launching a comprehensive voter protection initiative aimed at equipping volunteers with the tools needed to combat voter suppression head-on. The program kicks off on March 14, 2024, with an information session available via Zoom. For more information on how to join the upcoming voter protection training, visit Get Loud Arkansas's Facebook page or contact GLA directly at [email protected]
