Fri November 11, 2022

By Jeff Smithpeters


Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton: statements on Veterans Day

Veterans Day Senator John Boozman
Senators John Boozman and Tom Cotton: statements on Veterans Day

WASHINGTON––U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR) released the following statement in commemoration of Veterans Day:

“As the son of a veteran, I know brave, honorable Americans have defended our freedom for generations. These men and women gave so much, in some cases their very lives, and deserve our support, respect and admiration. This Veterans Day, we once again take the opportunity to express tremendous gratitude to every former servicemember – especially those in The Natural State who are such vital parts of our families and communities. We can never fully repay them, but they will always have our appreciation for serving and sacrificing to protect our nation.”

Senator Tom Cotton also made a statement:

"Today a grateful nation pauses to remember the Americans who put the needs of their country above their own. At home and abroad, the sacrifice of our veterans has made America safer and stronger. These exceptional Americans and their families deserve our lasting gratitude."