Thu April 02, 2020

By Shelly B Short


Spring Hill FCA Sparks "Feed My Sheep" Ministry

Communitystrong Keephopealive Spring Hill Fca
Spring Hill FCA Sparks "Feed My Sheep" Ministry

The Spring Hill FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes is leading a "Feed My Sheep" ministry in the plight of COVID-19. As soon as this pandemic began, sponsors and students of FCA rallied together via group chat to brainstorm how God could best use them to minister during this particular time. Immediate concerns were raised about many of their Spring Hill families not having sufficient food supply and from there the vision of "Feed My Sheep" was born.

Three local Spring Hill mothers, Nash Lewis, Nicki Purifoy and Allie Porter took the initiative by planning menus, gathering supplies and food, as well as packaging meals for the mission. FCA then began reaching out to the community to find those that were lacking and in need of their services.

Among those benefiting are many middle class citizens with no government assistance that have lost jobs and single parent homes that are stretched beyond their means and struggling at this time.

As of recent, FCA is providing seven meals a week for twelve families, a total of sixty-four people within their community. They have been blessed by many, with generous donations; time and finances but now as expenses add up, they are reaching out to many businesses and individuals asking for your help to continue their quest of making sure not one family is left behind.

FCA sponsor, Mary Ronda-Bedford Plant said that they are taking every safety precaution to be sure meals get to homes safely and no contact is made between students, sponsors and families during deliveries.

If you are able to help FCA with any amount, checks can be made out to Spring Hill FCA and sent to the Spring Hill School/Superintendent's office at 633 Hwy 355 W. Hope, Ar. 71801 or contact Mary Ronda Bedford-Plant at 870-703-0873 or visit FCA's Facebook page at this particular post HERE

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." Matthew 5:16, "Feed My Sheep" Spring Hill FCA Food Ministry.
