SWARK.Today Appears On Local Podcast Hope Grown

SWARK.Today's very own sister set, Bren Yocom and Shelly Short, made a guest appearance on the local podcast Hope Grown. Hope Grown is a Thrive Hempstead County Production hosted by Amanda Lance, Lindsey Honea, Jennifer Block, and Jennifer Cunningham with episodes discussing topics and events in and around Hempstead County. This week's episode featuring Bren and Shelly is titled "Family" and the two Swarkansans discuss the joys of working with family, the beginnings of SWARK.Today, and future endeavors of the company. Both sisters said they were extremely excited to be invited to Hope Grown and thoroughly enjoyed their time with the hosts. Shelly said "We had a wonderful time. I am so thankful for these ladies and the work they are doing with the podcast. It's just one of the many amazing things they are doing for our community." Bren said, "We were honored to be asked to appear on the podcast. It was a fun night and those ladies are doing great things in Hempstead County."

To hear Bren and Shelly on the Hope Grown podcast and learn more about these SWARK sisters, visit the Hempstead Hall website and select from the listening options for your device.
