Wed December 04, 2024

By Press Release

Thoughts on Marijuana
Let me just say I am so tired of the smell of marijuana. I smell it all over town. A couple years ago, Laura and I took a trip to Chicago. We couldn’t walk a block without the pungent odor piercing the air. My son, Riley, and I were in New York this summer. Often on subways, in stores, and even just walking down the street, we’d catch a whiff of the ‘skunky’ smell. 

Why does this bother me? I’ve worked in the rehab world long enough to see and know the dangers of marijuana. I’ve witnessed first hand it acting as a gateway or introductory drug to much harder, devastating drugs. I’ve watched early, long term marijuana use ‘freeze’ a personality at the young age it was used. I can’t tell you how many 20+ year olds I’ve gotten to know who really act, think, live like they are 12, 13 or 14. They may have children but their emotional, cognitive and relational ability are on a child’s level. They may be physically able to work, but petty disagreements, a total inability to commit and silly rule breaking attitude like smoking pot in the parking lot or on break, keep them from holding down a job for long. Pot offers an instant high and generally ‘dumbs down’ its users. 

I’ve seen friends smoke what they thought was a simple joint that turned out to be laced with another drug like K-2, fentanyl or even meth. I remember one day, I had a young man in the car with me on an errand. We stopped at the store just long enough for him to walk around beside the car and puff on a joint. It happened to be K-2 or synthetic marijuana. He had no idea. He immediately began throwing up. Ten minutes later he was hallucinating. I can’t begin to tell you all the atrocities this young man has experienced in his short life, but I can say marijuana has been present for almost all of them. 

Like alcohol, people think marijuana is fun and innocent. What can be wrong with smoking a joint at home, with friends, once in a while? Why not enjoy life a little and let go? Please hear me say this, your innocent fun, drink or joint, is another’s devastation. It’s funny to watch people get high in movies and say dumb things, but my friend throwing up in the parking lot is not so funny. To argue for legal marijuana is selfish and hurtful. It opens the door for thousands of people to become addicted. 

It's not unusual for businesses to open with the intent of selling addictive or harmful goods. Think of saloons or opium dens (200 years ago in China…as a result of manipulative British business men). Stores filled with cannabis-made goods like gummies and paraphernalia are becoming more common. According to the National Library of Medicine, today’s marijuana contains 20-25% THC (the ingredient in marijuana that makes you high), versus 2% THC in the 1970’s. In other words, today’s weed is far more potent than the joints from 50 years ago. The first states to legalize marijuana: Colorado, Alaska, Oregan (2014) and Washington (2012) have seen significant rises in both murders and aggravated assaults. Are these numbers connected? I don’t know how they couldn’t be.

I don’t think anyone will argue that marijuana is really good for society. Most proponents will say that it can be helpful to the individual if used correctly. Others will emphasize the money that can be made from its production and sale. What it boils down to is there are people who just want to smoke. Just like drinking, some smoke casually and have the extra income to afford the hobby. But this crowd is not the majority by a long shot. Most cannot afford to smoke and certainly cannot afford the disastrous after affects the drug brings with it. 

The way of Jesus is to put others before yourself. Marijuana screams selfishness. Nothing about it is selfless. It is not a drug like nicotine that only affects you. It’s not harmless. Data and experience show how dangerous it is. You are not the first person who will go untouched. If you use it regularly, you will get hooked. Many sources report daily marijuana smokers surpassed daily drinkers by 3 million in 2022. That’s over 17 million people or just under 5% of the US population whose lives are shaped by their weed addiction. 

I know something or someone better fit to shape us and our addictions. His name is Jesus. He’s rescued people from far worse addictions. He can rescue you. Stop thinking no one cares. I can promise you, people care; we care. Step out of the shadows and into the Light and meet Him.
