Mon October 02, 2023

By Press Release


Upcoming run to benefit The CALL locally

The Call Jose Alvarex The Call Benefit Run
Upcoming run to benefit The CALL locally
Local runner Jose Alvarez will run 46 hours the weekend of October 13-15 to bring awareness to the number of Hempstead and Nevada County children who spend time in foster care on any given day. Jose has set a fundraising goal to secure 200 sponsors contributing $46 each to benefit The CALL locally. The run will take place downtown with The Hub serving as the runner’s base camp.


“I am challenging myself to 46 hours of running and walking all to raise money for this great organization that helps foster families and prepares families to foster kids in southwest Arkansas,” Alvarez said.  “The 46 hour challenge will start on October 13th at 8 p.m. and will end on October 15th at 6 p.m. I’ll be eating and resting during the time, just no napping or sleeping. I plan to hit 151 miles during the challenge. Please contact me this week or next week to make your pledge and donation. I can be reached at 903-276-0201.”


Alvarez also said pacers are welcome to join him at any time during the challenge.


Those wishing to sponsor Jose’s run may also give online.

The website to give online is:
The CALL says donors may use this method to receive an end of year donation letter for tax purposes.
