Thu August 22, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Update on lawsuit's effect on county's buying of half-ownership in hospital provided in Hempstead County Quorum Court session
Above: Bonnie Raff, of the John Cain Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, makes a presentation on Constitution Week in Thursday's Hempstead County Quorum Court meeting.

The Hempstead County Quorum Court, during its August regular meeting Thursday afternoon, heard an update on where the effort stands to keep Hope’s Wadley Regional Medical Center from closing. Justice of the Peace and chair of the court’s Budget Committee Ed Darling reported on the information he has been provided, including a development that came as recently as just after midnight this morning. 

The video of the meeting can be seen below the photos.

“We were supposed to be in court today to get a final ruling,” Darling began. “But yesterday the judge sent out a nine-page ruling [that] essentially said that the landowner [Medical Properties Trust] had tried to sway away more equity from an operator [Steward Health].  But anyway, the the property owner an operator are crossways just like this and arguing over how they're going to split the money. So I think that effectively brought everything to a screeching halt.” 

Darling explained, though, that the county and the city are still in agreement with Steward and with MPT to buy the real estate being used for the hospital. Lawyers from the respective companies have called, Darling said, and verified they were still agreeable to the deal.  Negotiations for an operating lease between Pafford and the city of Hope and Hempstead County are continuing. “We’ve got a couple versions [of the lease]. We’re on version number 129.” 

Darling said in the future, “if we ever get to a close,” a lease can be brought to the Quorum Court along with information about any commitment the state of Arkansas might make to provide funds. “Without confusing anybody about any of the details, it’s a long, drawn-out process that’s going to be drawn out further,” Darling said. 

In answer to a question about whether a court hearing would occur involving Hope’s hospital this month, Darling said the court date that was scheduled for Thursday has been pushed to the 29th of this month. This notice was posted after midnight, Darling said. In the meantime, Darling said, discussions among the parties concerned will continue. He pledged to keep the court informed of any future developments. 

Under new business, the court approved an ordinance accepting a $264,000 grant from the Division of Arkansas Heritage to repair a leaking roof.  The justices who spoke made sure the acceptance of the grant did not mean funds would have to be spent by the county to make up the difference if the low bid from a contractor to do the project cost more than the grant accounted for.  JP Darling said in that event the court could decide not to accept the funds and not to do the project. The court approved the ordinance unanimously. 

Bonnie Raff, of the Daughters of the American Revolution John Cain Chapter, performed in full costume as Martha Washington to make the court and the public aware of Constitution Week, which is coming up beginning September 17th, on the 237th anniversary of the document’s signing in Philadelphia. She distributed copies of the Constitution to those in attendance. 

The motion was then made to adjourn the meeting about 20 minutes after it began. 
