Tue May 14, 2024

By Shelly B Short

WIP hosts Nevada Chamber Community Coffee
The Women in Prescott (WIP) hosted the Prescott Nevada County Chamber of Commerce community coffee this morning at the library.

Many locals came out to show their support as they mingled with other citizens and snacked on a variety of tasty morsels laid out on a beautiful spread with a feathered centerpiece. 

Cheese rolls, crackers, chips, dips, fruits, veggies, donuts, muffins, brownies and so much more were among the tidbits. 

The selection of coffees & drinks from the WIP was not in short supply; ‘Maroon, White & Ice’, ‘Wolves Brew’ and ‘Non-Coffees’ were served to attendees to quench their thirst. 

Executive Director of the Prescott Nevada Chamber of Commerce, Jamie Hillery said, “I am proud to have a group of ladies like the WIP that take helping our community seriously. They raise funds, donate time and efforts to make Prescott a better place to live.” 

The WIP is a local, non-profit organization that is focused on supporting the needs of Nevada County, with a particular emphasis on children. The organization is led by its president, Samantha Gummeson and secretary/treasurer, Lauren Brown. 

WIP President, Samantha Gummeson said, “I am excited to host the coffee today so we can share our mission with the community. We want each person to know what we do,  why we do it and that we are here to help.” 

Gummeson went on to share what the WIP does along with a few of the projects the group has had the pleasure to be a part of. 

“We are a 501-C3 nonprofit organization with 25 members that do volunteer work within the community. Most of the time our focus is on children, but wherever we see the need, we like to step in and help in any way that we can. Projects we have done in the past include hosting the Prescott prom, a shoe drive, a suicide prevention program and hygiene bags for the schools. We offer scholarships to each school in Nevada County as well. We help with community disaster relief, and donate to the Prescott Police Department. We have participated in Ivory Curry’s Outreach Community Feed, Thanksgiving and other holiday feasts for those who were unable to provide meals for family. The WIP is available to the community and wants to help in anyway that we can,” Gummeson said. 

The WIP ladies made sure the residents of Nevada County felt welcome this morning as they continue their journey facilitating the future of the organization for success and the gift of giving back to the community. 

For more information on WIP you can visit their Facebook page HERE 

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