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Thu September 30, 2021

By April Lovette

Zoe Fincher Crowned World's Miss Natural State Tourism 2022

Press Release

Nevada County local, Zoe Fincher, the daughter of Tina Kisselburg and Jason Fincher, was crowned World's Miss Natural State Tourism 2022 and will be attending nationals on July 22-24, 2022 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Zoe's platform is "Piece by Piece: the Key to Special Needs is Education!" Having a soft spot in her heart for special needs children has led her to this platform. She believes that with love, patience, and understanding we can begin guiding them early so they will go on to have better lives. It is imperative that we work together, and get more involved at first diagnosis to delay further damage and setbacks. The more we teach them to do for themselves early on, the better off they will be in the future. #ASK...ALL SPECIAL needs KIDS!!! If you don't know, ask! Don't stare, don't make fun of, and don't be mean! The areas they are lacking in, they make up for in so many others, just like us! The World's Miss Tourism Pageant's platform is "Stand Up Against Bullying." Always be kind no matter what the situation, and remember to "Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful!" World's Miss Tourism Pageants teach more than pageantry. They build self confidence, public speaking, platforms, community service, getting out of one's comfort zone, and building each other up.
