Mon August 19, 2024

By Press Release

Politics State

Arkansas Democrats Kick Off Democratic National Convention with High-Profile Leaders

Arkansas Democrats Democratic National Convention High Profile Leaders
Arkansas Democrats Kick Off Democratic National Convention with High-Profile Leaders
CHICAGO, IL – The Arkansas Democratic Delegation proudly joined Democrats from across the nation at the start of the 2024 Democratic National Convention. Several prominent national figures addressed the Arkansas delegation, including Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, Congressman Maxwell Alejandro Frost of Florida, California Secretary of State Dr. Shirley Nash Weber, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Democratic National Committee Chair Jaime Harrison. “This year’s convention is a critical moment for our Party and our nation,” said Arkansas Democratic Delegation Chair Jannie Cotton. “We are thrilled to have leaders like Governor Shapiro, Congressman Frost, Chair Harrison, Secretary Weber, and Governor Whitmer sharing their vision for America’s brighter future and the role that the Natural State will play in shaping it.” “Arkansas is proud to stand with these leaders working for a healthier, safer, fairer, and brighter America – just like we are in Arkansas,” said Will Watson, Director of Battleground Arkansas. Governor Josh Shapiro, known for his steadfast leadership and commitment to justice, electrified the delegation on his first visit with a state delegation. He implored Democrats to “get shit done” and recalled his work protecting democracy and expanding opportunities for all Americans and had the Arkansas delegation on their feet. Gov. Shapiro shared, “My hope is that we can get back to those winning ways throughout the South” and we do that “by doing basic government by three letters GSD, which is ‘get shit done.’ Congressman Maxwell Frost, the youngest member of Congress and a rising star in the party, inspired with his message of hope and his fight for the issues that matter most to young Americans. “I know what it’s like to be from a state that a lot of people think it’s not worth organizing, but your work matters,” said Con. Frost. Secretary Shirley Nash Weber, a trailblazer in voting rights and equity and native of Hope Arkansas, highlighted the importance of safeguarding our electoral system. “How interesting and how telling of our nation when a young girl whose father could not vote is not responsible for the votes of more than 40 million Californians,” noted Dr. Weber.

The cheers for Governor Gretchen Whitmer echoed down the halls of the historic Palmer House Hotel when she told the delegation that she knew how to turn a red state and deliver on a brighter future. “These fights are winnable. These fights are absolutely winnable. And I hope if there’s anything to learn from what we’ve done in Michigan, is that we can do this,” said Gov. Whitmer.

Chair Jamie Harrison surprised the delegation to close breakfast. “I am so damn proud of Arkansas Democrats," said Chair Harrison. "It just means so much to me because people try to count you out but you’ve proven that they don’t know how to count.”

Starting Monday, the Arkansas Delegation, representing the diverse voices of the state, will actively participate in discussions, caucuses, and events throughout the convention. They will also be highlighting the successes of the Biden-Harris administration and the importance of electing Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Wallace as the next President and Vice President of the United States.

For more information on the Arkansas Democratic Delegation’s activities at the convention, please contact Reed Brewer via email at
[email protected] and/or at 501-580-0568
