Thu April 23, 2020

By Shelly B Short

Cait Light to Compete at Miss Arkansas

Cait Light, a Spring Hill graduate and a junior studying elementary education at Southern Arkansas University has been competing in preliminaries to win a division title for her chance at a spot in the Miss Arkansas pageant all season. Light, who has been a part of the pageant scene for several years has held many important titles over the years, one of which, Miss SAU, took her to the Miss Arkansas stage just last year.

This year amid the COVID-19 pandemic, directors of many pageants had to get creative since they could not gather in crowds and social distancing is a must, they designed the first ever virtual pageant. One of those virtual pageants was the Miss Mid-South pageant which Light was honored to be presented as first runner up to the crown.

"I thought that I was not going to get to go to Miss Arkansas this year. I thought I was just closing this chapter for this year and I was fine with that because I know God has a plan for my life. But then I received a call from my field director, Mr. David Hartman, and he told me that due to personal reasons one of the girls had to drop out and that the title was mine if I wanted it since I was first runner up and so I accepted it." Light said

This will be her second time to compete on the Miss Arkansas platform and she is very excited, more excited than she was even last year because now she has some experience under her belt, knows what she needs to work towards and she is especially eager to see many of the young ladies she shared the stage with last year.

So although Light did not take home the crown her first go round, she now gets another opportunity to shine and her attempt at the Miss Arkansas title representing Miss Mid-South on the Miss Arkansas stage later this year.

“I want to thank every volunteer and every person who has invested their time and been so kind through all of this. I especially want to thank the good Lord for giving me this opportunity because I am nothing without Him.” Light said of her moment to once again set her sights on the Miss Arkansas title.

Originally the Miss Arkansas Pageant was scheduled for June but new dates due to COVID-19 are scheduled for either July or August and are of course tentative until announced.
