Wed February 16, 2022

By Shelly B Short

Chamber Holds First Community Coffee of 2022

The Hope Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors held the community coffee this morning downtown at the chamber office. This was not only their first coffee of the year but the first coffee to be held at the chamber since March of 2020.

Local citizens and board members mingled about while snacking on refreshments. Fruit, cookies, sandwiches, sausage balls, and pinwheels were among just a few of the delicious spread laid out for guests. One special moment at the event was when Hebrews proprietor Arnetta Bradford sang Happy Birthday to Chamber board member Christy Burns while the crowd listened in awe. An applause erupted directly after her amazing vocals enveloped the room and all wished Burns a Happy Birthday.

The mood was festive as all seemed to be enthusiastic about the first Coffee since the pandemic shut the chamber's doors. "The Hempstead County Board of Directors would like to thank everyone who attended the coffee today. We held the coffee this morning as our first coffee back in the chamber since March of 2020. We are very excited about it and are so thankful for all who showed up," board member Christy Burns said.

Burns went on to say that she really has enjoyed working with Executive Director Beckie Moore over the past five years, and although she would miss her, she wishes her all the best on her new venture. Moore has resigned her position at the chamber to be the new Executive Director of the Klipsch Heritage Museum Association.

"This was the first time the chamber was able to open the doors to the community to gather for a community coffee. We closed the doors in March of 2020, so what a pleasure and a blessing it is to see everyone get together and hug, shake hands, visit, and enjoy great food and sense of community. It is such a joy to get to do this again," Moore said.

It was a much needed affair after two years of closure. All who attended expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to once again congregate indoors and enjoy good food and company.

"First of all, I would just like to thank the citizens for coming out to our first community coffee of 2022; our numbers are down, but hopefully in the future those numbers will pick up for our coffees. I look to see many more come out at our next coffee," Chamber Board President Nathaniel Holyfield said.
