Fri February 12, 2021

By Shelly B Short

Chamber of Commerce Seeking Blessing Bags of Warmth
URGENT, Press Release Beckie Moore

Friday, February 12, 2021, Hope, AR, The Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce is broadcasting an urgent request this afternoon.  With frigid temperatures and snow/ice in our forecast, the chamber is seeking community-wide assistance in packing “Blessing Bags of Warmth” for those in need.

“Blessing Bags of Warmth” should include (if possible) a blanket, beanie, gloves, and socks.  Please place items in plastic bags.   You may also place the plastic bags inside reusable bags for protection.  If you would like to leave a note for the person who will receive your bag(s), please do so.  “You Matter” is a wonderful message to pass along to everyone.  Once you have packed your blessing bag(s), please tie them to the playground fence at First Baptist Church located at 3rd & Main.  Lightweight rope will be placed at the site for your use.  

“Our community always responds in times of need, and this is one of those moments when the need is great.  Before the day ends, we will see “Blessing Bags of Warmth” along the fence row at 3rd & Main.  Thank you for giving from your heart on this Valentine’s weekend,” stated Beckie Moore, chamber director.

In the days ahead, please do not forget the Blessin’ Boxes in place at Hope ConneXion (401 S Washington) and the chamber (201 S Main).   The community has definitely blessed the Blessin’ Boxes and many people have stopped at the locations to select items from the boxes.  The boxes are large enough for canned goods, snacks, toiletries, and paper products.  All items need to be pre-wrapped for health and safety purposes. Hope ConneXion and the chamber appreciate all who have participated thus far.
