Tue November 02, 2021

By Drew Gladden


City Board Meets to Discuss Airport Projects, General Millage, Firemen's Pension, Ladder Truck Nozzle

City Board Meets to Discuss Airport Projects, General Millage, Firemen's Pension, Ladder Truck Nozzle

The Hope City Board of Directors met Tuesday night to discuss several airport projects, a pair of millage ordinances, and to consider a bid for a ladder truck nozzle.

The board heard from Mary Fair and Jessica Vinson, who presented the CIP (capital improvement plan) that included drainage improvements. The board decided to adopt the improvement plan.

The board then considered an ordinance to set the City's real and personal property tax rates at 5 mills. This decision will go on to the Quorum Court, which will formally establish the rates at their November meeting. The proposed rate is unchanged from 2021. The board voted for the millage rate to remain the same.

Next, the board considered an ordinance to set the Firemen's Pension property tax rate at 1 mill for both real and personal property. The rate is unchanged from last year. The board voted for the millage rate to remain the same.

Finally, the board considered a bid from Rowe Industries, LLC to remove and replace a nozzle assembly and remote nozzle on a pipe ladder with wireless remote and interface transmitter. The bid of $27,270.98 was accepted.

After the city manager's report, the board accepted citizen concerns and comments. Willy Walker requested that the board look into installing a culvert near his property on Elm and Greenwood to help with flooding in the area. The board said they would gather information to determine the best course of action.
