Mon November 01, 2021

By Drew Gladden


Coach's Corner - Hope vs. Texarkana

Coach's Corner - Hope vs. Texarkana

Coach Phillip Turner's Bobcats went into the Battle of the Bridge on Friday night ready to face down the ferocity of the Arkansas High Razorbacks. And face it down they did, coming out on top with a final score of 43-19 for the Bobcats.

Turner praised the explosive plays that the Bobcats were able to make happen on offense as well as defense, hitting the Razorbacks where it hurt most. Ammorrion Dempsey, Turner said, had a career-making game against Arkansas High, scoring five touchdowns, with two catches for 70 yards, 13 rushes for 155 yards, six tackles with three interceptions, and a fumble recovery for another 85 yards.

Turner said the only thing that really didn't go Hope's way were their extra point attempts. "We were one for six," Turner said, "We really struggled with getting them in."

This Friday, the Bobcats have a rivalry game against Magnolia. The Panthers, Turner said, have a good quarterback and running backs, and are explosive in the backfield. The Bobcats, he continued, are going to need to go in with discipline and stay focused to come out with a win.
