Mon November 01, 2021

By Drew Gladden


Coach's Corner - Spring Hill vs. Strong

Coach's Corner - Spring Hill vs. Strong

Spring Hill's next-to-last regular season game against Strong ended with a score of 34-14 for Strong, making the Bears' game at Woodlawn this weekend their chance to grab the number three seed for the playoffs.

Coach Greg Smith said his players tried their best against Strong, who are undefeated and the number one seed in the playoffs. Strong, he said, just had size and speed that the Bears struggled to match. "We went in with a plan," Smith said, "But we just couldn't capitalize on it. The kids played hard, and every time they do that, they're champions."

Defensively, Smith said, the Bears really held their own. Teyton Barton and Eli Pierce were standouts on defense, with Pierce scoring a touchdown during the game. Levin McGuire likewise was responsible for one of the Bears' touchdowns and, with teammate TJ Tipton, was back from a concussion after the open week last Friday. Tipton rushed for 100 yards his first game back on the field in three weeks.

This Friday, the Bears play at Woodlawn. Smith said it's liable to be an intense game with a lot of physical football as the Bears need to win by 12 points to grab the number three spot in the playoffs.
