Fri October 08, 2021

By Drew Gladden


Contentious Game Gives Prescott 50-41 Victory Over Centerpoint

Contentious Game Gives Prescott 50-41 Victory Over Centerpoint

Friday night’s matchup between Prescott and Centerpoint brought a raucous, rowdy energy as the #1 Curley Wolves and the #6 Knights took the field at Prescott. Both teams were 5-0 going into the game, and the boys on both sides played their hearts out.

Prescott won the toss and elected to receive. They took possession at the 20-yard line after the ball went into the endzone. An incomplete pass started off their drive, followed by a short pass that gained them a couple of yards. At third and eight, Prescott gained the 26-yard line before the first flag of the game forced them to punt.

Centerpoint received at the 49-yard line, and their first pass lost them a yard as Jacylon Zachery tackled the receiver. The Knights ran for the 47-yard line, gaining third and eight, and an incomplete pass forced a punt by Centerpoint.

Prescott took possession at the 6-yard line, with Jaylen Hopson driving down the field to the 15. At second and one, another rush gained ground for the Curley Wolves, giving them a first down. A heartbreaking interception by the Knights went down at the 19-yard line, giving Centerpoint possession.

A short pass gain of four yards left Centerpoint at second and six at the 15, and a carry by #14 Jace Clark gave the Knights first and goal at the seven-yard line. The next drive was stopped by Detavern Thompson at the three, before Clark took the ball into the endzone on the next drive for Centerpoint’s first touchdown. The extra point went between the uprights, making the score 7-0 for Centerpoint.

A short kick by the Knights left Prescott at the 44-yard line, and Hopson’s next two drives gained and lost five yards, leaving Prescott at third and ten. The Curley Wolves called their first timeout, before an incomplete pass forced a punt on fourth down.

Centerpoint received at the 24-yard line, gaining ground with a series of short passes until a rush at fourth and one gave them a first down. At the 34-yard line, an incomplete pass was quickly followed by a pass run that gave them another first down at the 48-yard line with 1:15 left in the first quarter. Clark ran the ball again, gaining two yards. The Knights’ next pass was intercepted by the Curley Wolves, who were brought down at the 29-yard line.

Prescott gave the ball to Hopson, who made it to the 17-yard line on his first rush, giving the Curley Wolves first and ten. His next drive got the ball to the seven before the clock ran out, ending the quarter. As the second quarter started, the Curley Wolves tried their best to get the ball across seven yards of field. They inched forward on their second and third downs before finally getting the ball into the endzone. Unfortunately for Prescott, they were penalized for a false start on their two-point conversion, which came up just short, leaving the score 7-6 for Centerpoint.

The Knights took possession at the 27-yard line, rushing for one yard before a pair of complete passes gained them first and ten at the 46-yard line. Clark started to run the ball, but was brought down for a one-yard loss, putting the Knights at second down and 11. A completed pass at the 52-yard line brought a flag for an ineligible player on the field against Centerpoint, causing their coaches to come off the sidelines and onto the field. An argument ensued between the coached and referees, lasting several minutes, before the coaches went back to the sidelines. The ball was ruled down at the 40-yard line, putting Centerpoint at third and 21. A long pass downfield gave the Knights a first down at the 19-yard line. A rush for two yards brought the Knights’ first timeout, before a completed pass gained Centerpoint their second touchdown. The two-point conversion was good, putting the Knights ahead 15-6.

Another onside kick gave Prescott possession at the 48-yard line, leaving Hopson with no room to run. However, the Curley Wolves were undaunted as they gained a little ground with a rush before a pass to Caleb Harris gave them first down at the 38-yard line. Jacylon Zachery then drove down the field, breaking a trio of tackles before sprinting for the endzone, giving Prescott their second touchdown. The conversion was no good, leaving the score at 15-12 for Centerpoint.

The Knights took possession at the 32, and Clark and Centerpoint ground the ball slowly down the field with a series of drives that earned them first down after first down. With 54 seconds left in the half, Clark put the ball over the goal line, securing another touchdown for the Knights. Their conversion was no good, putting the score at 21-12 for Centerpoint.

Taking control at the 39-yard line, Jaylen Hopson did his best to gain ground rushing against Centerpoint’s defense. He managed to get a first and ten before falling back to pass, gaining the 50-yard line for Prescott. Centerpoint held them at the 50, until an incomplete pass on fourth down brought a holding penalty that gave the Curley Wolves a first down at the 35. An incomplete pass ended the half.

Centerpoint received at the 39-yard line, where Prescott kept them for two plays before a third and ten pass got the Knights to the 48-yard line and a first down. The Knights used their size to their advantage, grinding slowly down the field with Prescott’s defenders doing their best to stop the advance. First downs became second and third downs, became first downs again as Centerpoint gained a few yards per play, finally bringing the ball into the endzone again. Their extra point was good, bringing the score to 28-12 for the Knights.

Prescott took possession at the 39-yard line where he and Zachery did their best to gain yardage, going second and nine, third and six, and finally fourth and one before getting a first down at the 49. Another interception, however, gained Centerpoint first and ten at the 41-yard line. The Knights were tackled at the 29 for first and ten, then at the two-yard line for first and goal before they were able to score again. The field goal was good, bringing the score to 35-12 against the Curley Wolves.

Another onside kick gave Prescott the ball at the 46, and a quick series of rushes by Hopson and Zachery sent the Curley Wolves into the endzone for a touchdown. Prescott’s third attempt at a two-point conversion was no good, leaving the score 35-18, Centerpoint.

Seizing the momentum and repaying the Knights for all the onside kicks they’d received all game, the Curley Wolves kicked short and recovered the ball, taking possession just across the 50 at the 47-yard line of Centerpoint. Zachery and Hopson ran the ball hard, driving forward for another Curley Wolves touchdown. This time, the two-point conversion took, gaining a score of 35-26 for Centerpoint with 32 seconds left in the quarter.

Centerpoint received at the 33, running the ball to the 42-yard line. The quarter ended with Centerpoint at second down and one yard. The fourth quarter saw the Knights drive forward to the 43-yard line for a first down, followed by more slow gains until a complete pass to the 44 gave them a first down. Their runner was tackled at the 42, and an offsides penalty on the Curley Wolves gave them second and three. However, a false start against Centerpoint brought them back to second and eight. A complete pass got them to the 33 for a first down, and a carry for nine yards left them at second and one. Another false start penalty brought them to second and six before another slow grind forward got them across the goal line. They missed the two-point conversion, bringing the score to 41-26 for Centerpoint.

Things looked bad for Prescott, with another onside kick giving them possession at the 45. However, Hopson got his legs under him and sprinted past the Knights’ defense, driving forward for a pair of first downs that left the Curley Wolves at second and five at the 10-yard line. The next drive gave Prescott a touchdown, and the conversion brought the score to 41-34.

Centerpoint was flagged as offsides, but received at the 44 before pushing forward to the 50, then the 48. On their third down, the runner was dragged back for a loss, putting the Knights at fourth and six. Centerpoint called a timeout with two minutes left in the game. They punted, returning to the 15-yard line.

Hopson ran the ball hard to gain the 23-yard line for second and two, then on to the 43 for first and ten. He gained the 40, and a flag on the play gained another five yards against Centerpoint. At second and three at the 15-yard line, Hopson rushed for the eight-yard line, giving Prescott first and goal with 1:06 left in the game. The Curley Wolves got the ball across the goal line, bringing the score to 41-40 with Prescott behind by one. Then, everything went sideways. During the two-point conversion, Centerpoint called another time out. Immediately afterward, Prescott called a timeout. The conversion attempt finally began, only for a facemask penalty to be called by the referees. A possible injury to a Centerpoint player brought their coaches off the sidelines for the fourth time during the game. Words were exchanged between the coaches and referees, resulting in two technical fouls against Centerpoint, giving Prescott another shot at the two-point conversion. The Curley Wolves got the ball across the line, giving them a 42-41 lead.

With 52 seconds left in the game, Centerpoint received on the 14-yard line after a delay of game penalty against the Curley Wolves. An incomplete pass left the Knights at second and ten, and a tackle by Prescott at the 19-yard line gave them third and five. A complete pass with 28 seconds left gained no yardage, and an interception by Prescott on their fourth-down pass attempt resulted in another touchdown for the Curley Wolves. A Prescott player was flagged for taunting, but the two-point conversion ended the game 50-41 in favor of the Curley Wolves.
