Wed October 18, 2023

By Press Release

Politics State

Cotton: Collapse of Iran Sanctions Undermines Biden Visit to Israel

Senator Tom Cotton Arkansas Senator Cotton Iran Sanctions
Cotton: Collapse of Iran Sanctions Undermines Biden Visit to Israel
Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement after sanctions on Iran’s missile program expired. The sanctions were imposed in 2015 and were designed to limit Iran’s ability to buy and sell ballistic missiles and missile technology: 

“President Biden’s visit to Israel today coincides with the expiration of multilateral sanctions on Iran’s missile program under the failed Iran nuclear deal. This dangerous mistake, along with continued concessions like paying the $6 billion hostage ransom, emboldens Iran at the expense of American and Israeli security. Actions speak louder than words.”

Note from SWARK.Today: A report from NBC News on the expiration of UN sanctions includes assurances from the Biden administration that the US will not drop its part of the sanctions. Meanwhile fact-checkers have taken issue with Cotton and other Republicans' characterization of the $6 billion in Iranian funds transferred from a South Korean bank to the custody of Qatar to be spent on humanitarian supplies as a ransom paid by the United States. After the Hamas attacks on Israel, the Biden administration announced the spending of the $6 billion transfer has been halted after a mutal agreement to do so reached by the U.S. and Qatar.
