Wed December 06, 2023

By Press Release

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Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ban Chinese Seafood Imports

Senator Tom Cotton China Sea Food Ban Trade Laws
Cotton, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Ban Chinese Seafood Imports
Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today introduced the Ban China’s Forbidden Operations in the Oceanic Domain (C-FOOD) Act, legislation that would ban U.S. imports of Chinese seafood and aquaculture products. The bill would also sanction companies that import Chinese seafood and place tariffs on countries that facilitate the shipment of the seafood.

Senators Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Mississippi) and Rick Scott (R-Florida) are co-sponsors of the legislation.

“Fishing and Aquaculture is yet another industry the Chinese Communist Party is weaponizing for their own gain through blatant abuse and slave labor. This legislation will stop imports of this illicit seafood by imposing real costs on the Chinese government and the companies that aid them,” said Senator Cotton.

“It’s past time we hold China accountable for its persistent violation of sovereign waters and its shameless use of slave labor to dominate the aquaculture market with unsafe, chemical-ridden products.  These unfair and unethical practices have disadvantaged Mississippi catfish and shrimp producers for far too long, which is why I support this bill to ban U.S. imports of such tainted products until China changes its ways,” said Senator Hyde-Smith.

“Communist China, under Xi’s murderous regime, is on a quest for global domination, building economic power in industries like seafood and aquaculture that are known to use slave labor and other illegal, unreported, and unregulated practices that are pushing American businesses out of business in the process. I’m proud to join my colleagues on this legislation to ban the importation of these goods from Communist China and hold any nation attempting to circumvent U.S. trade laws fully accountable,” said Senator Scott.

The legislation may be found here.

The Ban C-FOOD Act would:

  • One year after enactment of this bill, all Chinese seafood and aquaculture imports shall be prohibited from entering the United States, until such time as 1.) the Secretary of State reports to Congress that neither its fleets nor its aquaculture industry are meaningfully using forced labor and 2.) the Secretary of Commerce reports to Congress that the Chinese government is not subsidizing its fishing fleets beyond international norms and 3.) the Secretary of Defense determines that the Chinese fishing fleet would not be used in an invasion of Taiwan.
  • Instruct Secretary of Treasury to sanction those companies that are found knowingly participating in the transshipment of Chinese seafood and aquaculture products into the United States.
  • Instruct the U.S. Trade Representative to apply those duties it deems necessary to prevent and punish nations that accommodate the transshipment of Chinese seafood into the United States.
  • Within 90 days, the president shall produce a report detailing all executive branch efforts and spending that is presently allocated to combat China’s illegal fishing and use of forced labor in its fishing fleets and aquaculture industry. This report shall also include requests for additional funding, resources, and authorities that departments and agencies believe are necessary to combat the varying abuses of the Chinese fishing fleets.