Mon May 30, 2022

By April Lovette


Cotton Statement on Memorial Day

Tom Cotton
Cotton Statement on Memorial Day

Washington, D.C. – Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) issued the following statement on Memorial Day:

“On Memorial Day, we remember the brave men and women in uniform who died serving our country. This occasion is especially somber, as we honor the 13 American heroes who died defending the Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul last year. They were the last to lay down their lives during our mission in Afghanistan and they are first in our hearts today. They perished, like so many other American patriots before them, so that others could live. 

For nearly 250 years, Americans in uniform have fought and died so we could be free. Now they rest in honor beneath the rolling hills of Arlington, in a thousand other cemeteries, and in the quiet places known only to God. Their legacy and our gratitude will live forever. We will never forget their sacrifice.”
