Thu October 12, 2023

By Press Release

Politics State

Cotton to Biden, Austin: Authorize Special Forces to Rescue American Hostages

Senator Tom Cotton Hostage Rescue American Hostages
 Cotton to Biden, Austin: Authorize Special Forces to Rescue American Hostages
Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) today sent a letter to President Joe Biden and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, urging them to authorize U.S. special operations forces to rescue the Americans held hostage by Hamas. The letter notes that National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby has said there are at least 14 American citizens unaccounted for after Hamas attacked Israel last weekend. 

In part, Senator Cotton wrote:

“We have a duty to act, including with the use of force if necessary to save our fellow Americans. Now is the time for bold and audacious action, not timid half measures or bureaucratic constraints. I’m confident the American people will support its government in all actions necessary to rescue these Americans from the savages in Gaza.”

Full text of the letter may be found here and below.

October 12, 2023

President Joseph R. Biden                                          Secretary Lloyd J. Austin

The White House                                                        Department of Defense

1600 Pennsylvania Ave, N.W.                                   1000 Defense Pentagon

Washington, DC 20500                                              Washington, DC 22202

Dear Mr. President and Secretary Austin,

 National Security Council spokesman John Kirby said today that at least 14 American citizens are unaccounted for after Hamas attacked Israel last weekend. Some of these missing Americans are presumed to be hostages of the Hamas terrorists.

The United States has special-operations forces specially trained in hostage rescue, and these forces are already in Israel to assist with intelligence and planning efforts. I urge you to use these elite warriors in a hands-on role to rescue the American hostages. Nothing can be taken for chance. Israel is our closest partner, but the safety of American citizens is the responsibility of the United States government.

We have a duty to act, including with the use of force if necessary to save our fellow Americans. Now is the time for bold and audacious action, not timid half measures or bureaucratic constraints. I’m confident the American people will support its government in all actions necessary to rescue these Americans from the savages in Gaza.



Tom Cotton

United States Senator

