Mon January 29, 2024

By Bren Yocom


Hempstead County Achieves Certification as ACT® Work Ready Community

Hempstead County Economic Development Act Work Ready
Hempstead County Achieves Certification as ACT® Work Ready Community
Hope, AR - Hempstead County today announced it has met all criteria to become a certified ACT Work Ready Community, demonstrating its commitment to developing a strong workforce pipeline, desirable to employers, economic developers and current and future citizens of the county.

To begin the certification process, Hempstead County leaders from Hempstead County Economic Development, University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana and Southwest Arkansas Development Alliance have carefully tailored efforts to improve the county's work readiness.  Leaders met with local employers, policymakers, educators and economic developers to establish goals and build a sustainable WRC model to fit community needs.

"As the President of Hempstead County Economic Development, this completion of certification was a high priority for our office in my first few months in this role. I am proud to say that Hempstead County and its workforce partners can officially showcase to our community what we have been working towards. The Hempstead County workforce is ready to partner with businesses and industries to sustain and enhance the Hempstead County economy. Let's get to work,” said Anna Powell. Renee Dycus - SWAPD said “The Southwest Arkansas Planning and Development District’s 12 county region is so excited to have another one of our counties become ACT Work Ready Certified!  This certification shows that Southwest Arkansas has students, job seekers, and employers ready for work.  Congratulations, Hempstead County! “Akili Moses Isareal, UAHT said” Achievement of the ACT's Work Ready Communities status helps Hempstead County demonstrate our commitment to ensuring we have a trained and ready workforce to meet our economic development needs.”

The ACT® Work Ready Communities (ACT® WRC) initiative empowers states, regions and counties with data, processes and tools that drive economic growth by identifying skills gaps and quantifying the skill level of their workforce. Participants leverage the ACT® WorkKeys® National Career Readiness Certificate® (ACT® WorkKeys® NCRC®) to measure and close skills gaps and build common frameworks that link, align and match their workforce development efforts.
