Tue March 24, 2020

By Bren Yocom


Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce launches WRAP IT IN RED CAMPAIGN

Hempstead County Chamber Of Commerce Covid 19 Wrap It In Red
Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce launches WRAP IT IN RED CAMPAIGN


March 24, 2020, Hope, AR, The Hope-Hempstead County Chamber of Commerce launched a county-wide campaign encouraging businesses & homes to Wrap It In Red! 

Many have shared that they are growing weary of reading "virus news" although that is much-needed right now.  The chamber encourages everyone to heed the warnings and continue to adhere to the social distancing rules all-the-while putting plans in place to CELEBRATE when this is all behind us (and it WILL be).

Chamber director, Beckie Moore stated, “There will come a day when doors are no longer closed, when we can walk inside our well-loved local businesses and restaurants (which includes our favorite fast-food businesses), when we can see our friends and neighbors on the streets and run over and give them a much-needed hug, when teachers are doing what they do best, when doors of churches are wide open to come inside and sit as close as possible in worship, when we can applaud our community and thank those who are still working the front-lines as they protect us because that is what they are called to do...YES, that day will come! Do you think it could possibly help if we start thinking towards that day? We (at the chamber) believe it will help!”

If you drive by the chamber today, you will notice a red ribbon on the building. Red can mean energy, strength, determination and a call to action! We are calling on you (businesses and neighborhoods) to WRAP IT IN RED!

When the chamber provides a ribbon cutting for new businesses, they are always excited to cut the ribbon and open the doors of the business! WRAP IT IN RED will allow us the opportunity to cut the "community-wide ribbon" when the day and time is best.

Please join the chamber in placing a RED RIBBON (no matter what materials you use) on your home and/or business to show community support and excitement over what will be (one day). When that day comes, the chamber will post news of the exact time that we can all step outside and cut our ribbons and open our doors in celebration and love for Hope & Hempstead County! Let's WRAP IT IN RED!
