Hempstead County Quorum Court hears of National Family Literacy Day to be observed November 1st
This afternoon’s October regular meeting of the Hempstead County Quorum Court had no new or old business, but welcomed guest speaker Bonnie Raff to promote the upcoming National Family Literacy Day, which is to fall on November 1st. 

Raff and other members of the DAR present, Justice of the Peace Cherry Stewart and Hempstead County Extension Agent Staff Chair Terrie James, posed with County Judge Jerry Crane and the document proclaiming the day. 

Raff recounted her experiences helping to teach reading at Clinton Primary School, noting that minimizing distractions and assisting students in seeing the relationship between the words they read aloud and silently and their meaning were the major obstacles to literacy for youngsters. She urged that parents acquaint their children with the names for household and kitchen items to aid their understanding of what they read in school. 

Around the time of the meeting’s adjournment, Hempstead County Extension Agent Staff Chair Terrie James announced that on Saturday October 26th a Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Pink Pancake Brunch will take place starting on the UAHT-Hope campus at 2500 South Main Street. Race registration starts at 8:00 a.m. and the race itself begins at 9:00 a.m. with the brunch commencing at 10:00 a.m.  The event is a joint effort of the Wellness Alliance and Surviving With God's Grace (SWAGG).

Justices of the Peace James Griffin and Steve Atchley both reminded attendees of the meeting that a Veterans Day Parade will come through Hope Friday November 8th at 5:00 p.m. and the county’s Veteran’s Day service will start at 11:00 a.m. Monday November 11th in front of the Old Courthouse memorials.  A fish and trimmings dinner will be provided free to veterans and their spouses by the Hope Lions Club. Other attendees can purchase a meal as well.