The second regular meeting in March of the Hope City Board of Directors took place Tuesday evening in the City Hall boardroom. Hope Downtown Network presented a report on their work since their founding in 2018 and a request for funding, which the board approved.
The meeting can be seen in its entirety just below the pictures posted after this article.
The Hope Board of Directors heard from Beckie Moore and John Hollis of Hope Downtown Network, an affiliate of Main Street Arkansas that since 2018 has provided grants for businesses and agencies in the downtown area to be used for the beautification of downtown Hope and the improvement of buildings. Moore and Hollis requested $10,000 per year over the next three. This funding will make Hope Downtown Network eligible for Associate Status within Main Street Arkansas, a status that allows HDN to use extra services within the Main Street Arkansas organization. The Hope board of directors voted unanimously in favor of the funding.
The board also heard a presentation from Jarrod Parrish of Waterplay on the company's proposal to provide a splash pad to be installed at Northside Park. He showed a video and answered board members' questions about features offered.
A declaration of Vietnam Veterans Day for March 29th was read. DAR representative Bonnie Raff invited all to a ceremony to occur that day starting at 11:00 a.m. at the Old Courthouse lawn.
Police Chief Kim Tomlin requested that three vehicles that have been replaced be declared surplus to be sold. The board approved this.
Continued information being gathered about properties in Hope where a new fire department headquarters may be built was presented by City Manager J.R. Wilson.
The board heard City Attorney Randal Wright read a Cadence Bank Equipment Finance loan agreement related to the buying of a wastewater truck.
The City Manager's report included announcements of hiring a new city shop mechanic, of a geotechnical team coming to Hope next week to gather information about the ground on which the city's new aquatic and recreational facility will be built, information about the seeking of appraisals for city property and a report on an effort to enforce speed and noise ordinances on Greenwood between Hazel and the Bill Clinton Bypass.