Band director Chris Davis had to break the news that the Arkansas School Band and Orchestra Association (ASBOA) State High School Band competition scheduled to take place at Little Rock's War Memorial Stadium Tuesday November 5th has been postponed to Tuesday November 12th because of the expectation of rainy and possibly stormy weather in the area.
I asked Davis what this means to the band preparing for the contest. "I'd call it avoiding burnout," Davis said. Many rehearsals were held last week, he said. Having more of them risks mental exhaustion for the performers, he said, and this is a common experience with the other bands in the competition. Davis said he favors taking it easy at least at the beginning of this week.
The band performed Friday night in Halloween costumes, adding some inflatables to its halftime show during the Bobcats' home game against Arkansas High. Davis was happy with this performance, which can be seen in the broadcast by SWARK.Today of the game.