Hope Lions hold Annual Installation Banquet in Hempstead Hall last night

Hope Lions Club Past and New Officers pose at last night's Officer and Board Member Installation Banquet.

The Hope Lions Club held its Officer and Board Member Installation Banquet last night at Hempstead Hall.  The civic club’s new president was handed the gavel by his predecessor and several awards were conferred on members for outstanding contributions to the club’s charitable efforts.

Entertainment was provided by Grace Silvey, who performed a medley of patriotic songs on which she added astonishing improvised runs reminiscent of the early jazz pianist Art Tatum.  It was a preview of what is to come next week. She and other members of the Silvey family will be providing a free concert of patriotic music at Hope’s The Hub Monday July 3 at 7:00 p.m.

Outgoing president of the club Charles Looney welcomed attendees and said an invocation that quoted Colossians 3:23. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.” Looney prayed an acknowledgment that none of what the club had accomplished “could have been done without You.” Then all the club members were led in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.

Members then moved one table at a time to the back as a meal of prime rib, baked potato, green beans and yeast roll catered by the company the new Lions president Milko Smith runs with his wife Sheba, was put on plates cafeteria style by employees of Sheba’s Catering.

After the meal, the program proper began with a Roll Call in which every member stood and introduced themselves and any guests they had brought. Following that was the recognition of the past year’s officers and board.

Then Special Thanks and Recognition was given to Esther Solis, for providing the meals at the Lions’ Monday lunchtime meetings. Her daughter Maria collected from Looney a “token of our appreciation.”

Longtime member Ed Flagg recognized the contribution by New Millennium of the makings of a soon-to-be-built 36 by 20 feet shelter for the Lions’ fish fry station next to the Fair Park Coliseum. David Sanifer, the company’s Customer Service Manager and Don Bryant, newly-installed General Manager were present to accept a plaque from Flagg for New Millennium's long record of service to the Lions.

Perfect attendance awards were given by Lions’ secretary Karen Smith, ranging from one year to 18 for Lions Past President James Griffin.

Lions District 7 Governor Toni Sockey of Hot Springs gave an address in which she said Hope Lion John Collier nominated her at the Lions district convention. She affirmed the value of having fun while serving. “If we’re not having fun, we’re not doing it right.” She then announced the names of the new officers and board members for the upcoming 2023-2024 year:

  • Marketing and Communication: Mark Keith and Eddie Garcia

  • Global Membership Team Coordinator: Mark Ross

  • Global Service Team Coordinator: Claudia Griffin

  • Lions Club International Foundation Chair: Don Freel

  • Safety and Emergency Response Officer: Robin Lee

  • Lion Tamers: Jack Still, Ed Flagg, T.J. Fackler

  • Tail Twisters: Pattie Bradford, Jeff Smithpeters, Craig Robinson (Honorary)

  • Assistant Treasurer: Bobby Loe

  • Treasurer: Debbie Marsh

  • Assistant Secretary: John Collier

  • Secretary: Karen Smith

  • Third Vice President: James Bradford

  • Second Vice President: Jason Jobe

  • First Vice President: Steve Atchley

  • President: Milko Smith

The Presentation of Major Awards was made by Karen Smith. The winners of the Edwin Dalstrom Award (named after the club’s first president) were Steve Montgomery, TJ Fackler, John Hicks and Betty Collier.

The Melvin Jones Award (named after a Lion who embodied the traits of compassion, generosity and concern for the less fortunate) went to Jack Still, Mark Ross, Craig Robinson and Chuck Key. Ross dedicated the award to the memory of his mother and father.

The winners of the Roy Kumpe Award (named after a Lion who started an educational program to employ the visually impaired in concession and newsstands that later grew into what is now World Services for the Blind): Ed Flagg, Craig Robinson and Mona Still.

The Lion of the Year Awards went to Charles Looney and T.J. Fackler.

Next, now Past President Charles Looney said it was his honor to have served as Lions president this past year.  He passed the gavel used in presiding over Lions meetings to Milko Smith about whom Looney said, “you can't get around how good a guy Milko is. He knows everything about food service and putting things together.” There was loud applause here.

Smith then took the podium to ask, “How long do we have the room?” then praised Looney for his service as president. Milko then said, “For those of you who are not yet a member of the Hope Lions Club, I’ll just say it’s one of the best groups you could ever work with.”

Tony, you told us to have fun,” Smith continued. “We do. It’s out there most of the time, but we do have fun. I made family, brothers, friends with such a great group of people here. It’s going to be a good year.”

Reading from Romans 14, verses 17 through 19, Smith said, “’For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. For he that in these things serve as Christ is acceptable to God and approved to men, and let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, the things wherewith one may edify another.’ We like to eat. We love to eat. But we’re here to serve.”

In his first duty as president, Smith read the numbers of tickets that had been given to each attendee. If their number was announced, the first several attendees had a choice between a gift bag and the flower arrangement at their tables. Numbers were called until all bags were taken and all arrangements acquired.

Lions Past President Don Freel said the Benediction, including a request for continued direction, “Guide our thoughts to the good that we can do for those in need. Both here and around the world. Direct our new leaders close enough in this evening to a fresh spirit of cooperation and unity. Help us as an organization to work even harder in our effort to make life better for those around us,” he said.

At that those attending the banquet were dismissed.

  • Lions officers for the year 2022-2023.

  • Maria Solis accepted a token of the Lions' Appreciation for her mother Esther, the provider of lunch at the Lions regular meetings.

  • Ed Flagg, far right, presents an award to New Millennium for years of service to the club.

  • Winners of the one-year perfect attendance award.

  • Winners of the two-year perfect attendance award.

  • Winners of the three-year perfect attendance award: Jack Gathright, Karen Smith and Jack Still.

  • Winners of the four-year perfect attendance award: Don Freel and Charles Looney.

  • Winner of the six-year perfect attendance award Steve Atchley.

  • Winners of the ten-year perfect attendance award: Janet Choate and Ed Flagg.

  • Winners of the 16-year perfect attendance award: John Collier and Claudia Griffin.

  • Winner of the 17-year perfect attendance award: Mark Ross.

  • Winner of the 18-year perfect attendance award: James Griffin.

  • District govenor of Lions 7L: Toni Sockey

  • Lions officers and board members for 2022-2024.

  • Winners of the Lions' Edwin Dalstrom Award: Betty Collier, TJ Fackler and John Hicks

  • Winners of the Roy Kumpe Award: Ed Flagg, Craig Robinson and Mona Still.

  • Winners of the Melvin Jones Award: Jack Still, Chuck Key and Mark Ross.

  • Winners of the Lions of the Year Award: T.J. Fackler and Charles Looney.

  • Incoming President Milko Smith is handed the gavel by Past President Charles Looney.

  • Milko Smith makes his first speech as Lions Club President.
