Effective Wednesday March 25, 2020 payments for the Hope Police Department will follow the procedures below:
Locate the envelope outside the Records Department window.
Please write the following on the envelope:
If known, the Citation number of the person the fine payment is for and the full Name of the person the fine payment is for
Date of birth of the person the fine payment is for
Address of person the fine payment is for
If receipt is requested, please write the name and address the receipt will be mailed to.
Make checks out to the Hope Police Department.
Please put checks or cash in the envelope outside the Records window and place in the Appearance Bond and City Fines Night Deposit Box
3. Fines may also be paid online at www.myfinepayment.com
or by phone at (877) 591-8768
You will need to provide the full name and date of birth of the person the payment is for.