Mon November 27, 2023

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ICYMI: Cotton Talks Hostages Release, Attacks on U.S. Forces, Government Funding on “Fox News Sunday"

Senator Tom Cotton Biden Administration Israel Conflict National Security
ICYMI: Cotton Talks Hostages Release, Attacks on U.S. Forces, Government Funding on “Fox News Sunday"
In case you missed it — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) joined Shannon Bream on “Fox News Sunday” to discuss Israel’s war against Hamas and what actions the United States should take. Senator Cotton criticized President Biden for not fully backing Israel in its war against Hamas, and he also made clear that the administration’s response to attacks on American forces by Iranian proxies has been inadequate and will only invite more attacks.

In part, Senator Cotton said:

On President Biden’s lack of support for Israel: “But I have to say it seems like President Biden puts more pressure on Israel than he does on Hamas and its hosts in Qatar. Part of the reasons why we got to this point where we had to have a four day pause is the Biden administration has consistently, behind the scenes, insisted that Israel's government take steps that are clearly not in Israel's interests, for instance, providing fuel into Gaza, not just water, or food, or medicine, but fuel, which may as well be providing them with ammunition.”

 On the correct response to attacks on U.S. forces: “I would target Iranians who are operating in Iraq and in Syria. I would also send a clear message to Iran, if these attacks don't stop immediately, then we'll begin to threaten their assets, like Ronald Reagan, when he sank half of Iran's Navy for attacking a US Navy ship. Look, the president keeps talking about fear of escalation. Fear of escalation ensures escalation. The way to stop it is to establish escalation dominance over a terrorist-sporting regime like Iran.”

 On government funding: “Well, over the last two years, President Biden has showed that he seems to care more about Ukraine's borders than he cares about America's borders. We Republicans care about both. We want to secure our border, we want to stop the flow of illegal immigrants in this country and the crime and the drugs and potential terrorism it can open this country up to. At the same time, we want to help Ukraine resist Russia's war of unprovoked aggression. So, in return for providing additional funding for Ukraine, we have to have significant and substantial reforms to our border policies, specifically, asylum and parole, the processes that are being abused at our border for millions of illegal migrants to come this country over the last three years.”

 Senator Cotton’s full interview may be found here and below.