Wed June 16, 2021

By Jordan Woodson


Kenneth Harvel rehired by Hope as Street Superintendent

Kenneth Harvel rehired by Hope as Street Superintendent
The Hope City Board announced Tuesday afternoon at their biweekly meeting that Kenneth Harvel has been rehired as the new Street Superintendent of Hope.

Mayor Don Still is very excited about having Harvel back on board as the street superintendent.

"I'm glad to have Kenneth back," he said. "He's been very involved in the building and the paving and the ditching and you name it, he's done it."

City manager Catherine Cook is also very happy about having Harvel back and says she knows he will be reliable.

"I'm personally glad to have him back," she said. "Kenneth knows that in the mist of disaster, I always seem to find his number and he shows up."

The board also approved of a draft policy for installing speed bumps in the city. Each installation is estimated to cost anywhere between $800 and $1,000. The Board will put up signs informing the different areas that may be affected by the speed bumps that there will be a public hearing to hear the public's opinion before installing them at the next meeting, but the Board will make the final decision.

Director Trevor Coffee presented the motion to adopt and Director Mark Ross seconded that motion with the rest of the board also being in favor of it.

The Board also approved of fees regarding the Hope City rentals which are listed below:

City of Hope Building Rental Rates
All buildings are rented at a full-day price.

Hours 8:00 am- 10:00 pm. Tables and Chairs to accommodate 200 people
$200 per day + $250 refundable damage deposit
Non-Profit Fee: $100 per day + refundable damage deposit
If events run past 8:00 pm a payment for security is required and renter must vacate property by
midnight. Security is an off-duty officer from the Hope Police Department. Security Fee is $130.

Arena Rental:
$250 per day

Fair Park and Northside Community Center
Hours 8:00 am- 10:00 pm. Tables and Chairs to accommodate 100 people.
$100 per day + $100 refundable damage deposit
Non- Profit Fee: $50 per day + refundable damage deposit

Log Hut
Hours 8:00 am – 10:00 pm
Tables and Chairs to accommodate 30 people
$75 per day + $100 refundable damage deposit
Non-Profit: no rate set

HUB Rental:
1⁄2 Day Rental: $25, Full Day Rental: $50

Pavilion and Outdoor Stage Rentals:
$2 per day

Set Up Fee for Buildings Completed by Park Staff:
Community Centers: $25
Coliseum: $50

City of Hope Pool Rates:
Daily- $3 under 18 years old
$5 18+ years old
$45 for Single Season Pass
$65 for Couple Pass
$75 for Family Pass

Pool Party Rates:
$100 for 2 hours (minimum)
$50 for each additional hour
Parties on Saturday after 9:00 pm is an additional $100 for off duty officer security

Party Times:
Weekday 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Friday Night is Family Night 7:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Saturday Parties 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm (9:00 pm – 11:00 pm must have security)
Sunday Parties between the hours of 1:00 pm- 6:00 pm
