Over the course of the two days, the participants worked in groups and as individuals to complete a variety of tasks. The interaction helped them become more familiar with each other, building bridges that will help them on future projects for the community. Over the next eleven months this concept of working together to change our community for the better will be emphasized by a large number of presenters.
The participants must complete a community service project during the course of the year. The service projects must be original projects and must benefit the community directly. At the retreat, the service project groups spent some time planning the type of project they would like to pursue.
In addition to all the learning and work, there was also some time for fun. Friday afternoon the group spent some time skeet shooting. Each participant tested their skill at shooting skeet from a number of different skill positions. The group was also given a tour of the Rick Evans Grandview Prairie. Thursday evening, the group had free time to play games and learn more about each other.
If you would like to learn more about the Leadership Nevada County program, please contact Mary Godwin or Tara Santifer at the Economic Development Office at (870)887-6208. This program is a part of the Nevada County Economic Development office.